Sorry for the emptiness! I decided in the middle of the night, when I should be sleeping, to change the website layout. I’ve never used wordpress to design a layout before, I always did it the old fashioned way, with actually writing html code. I’m working on projects again. I’ve got a couple things that just need me to have time to edit them to release, I’ll be honest though, they’re mostly one-shots although I’m working on some of my project projects.
In May I released Happy Honey Life Chapter 5 (yaoi) which I was super happy about. It had been in the works for a long time with CT, I had trouble contacting people from the group because they’d changed their admin and I wasn’t able to get the OK from them to release so it kind of just sat there for ages. That group closed awhile back now. I thought this was the last chapter but it turns out it isn’t… It looks like this might continue on as a joint project with another group, I’m just waiting on hearing back from them.